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Re: enter order help

Написано Bell | Tue, Jul 6 at 3:20pm:

В ответ на: enter order help posted by Lizard on Tue, Jul 6 at 2:54pm:

Lizard говорит, что,

: Во-первых, что по-русски есть to "Cover a
: Short" в сравнении с просто
: "Short", если "Short" - это
: продажа без покрытия? Вроде бы термина
: "продажа с покрытием" мне не
: встречалось..
: А во-вторых, как, используя интерфейс для
: заполнения заявки в Датеке, выставить к примеру
: тот самый "Cover a Short"?

Cover a Short - это закрыть короткую позицию.

Наверно, как и у остальных - указав тип транзакции. Вот из хелпа Trading Direct:

Select a Transaction from the drop-down box.

Buy - When buying stock, in order to avoid penalty charges all purchases must be paid for within three (3) business days.

Sell from Holdings - Select this choice if placing a sell order for stock which resides in the account you have chosen to trade in.

Sell Short - A short sale involves the sale of a security that is not owned by the seller. The investor borrows the security for delivery at a future date. An investor typically sells short in anticipation of a decline in the price of the security or to protect a profit in a long position.
Orders to sell securities short are accepted subject to our ability to borrow an equivalent number of shares of that security. You must have an approved margin account prior to entering a short sale order.
By placing a short sale order, you agree that if market conditions change or if we are no longer able to borrow the shares, we may require you to cover your short sale at any time and you agree to pay any costs relating in any way to the repurchase of that security.
Before placing a short sale order, be sure that the stock's price is at or over $5.00 per share, and that you have 50% of the value of the short sale available in your account as collateral. If you carry short positions in your account, the account will be “marked to the market” each Monday to ensure that the proper level of collateral is maintained.

Buy-to-cover-Short - Select this choice if you wish to close out an existing short position previously created by selling stock short in this account with us.

Удачи. Александр.

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