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О лингвистике (Петrовичу с почтением)

Написано Александр | Sat, Nov 27 at 06:04am:

Здравствуйте, Петrович.

Попытался ввязаться в выяснение отношений по поводу 30% с дивидентов в пользу бюджета США, нагло с меня удерживаемых, и получил ответ:

Any distribution or payment of dividends by a U.S. corporation sent to a foreign address is subject to the 30% (or lower treaty) withholding rate, but is not subject to backup withholding. Also, there is no backup withholding on dividend payments made to a foreign person by a foreign corporation. However, the 30% withholding (or lower treaty) rate a applies to dividend payments made to a foreign person by a foreign corporation if: 25% or more of the foreign corporation's gross income for the three preceding taxable years was effectively connected with a U.S. trade or business, and The corporation was not subject to the branch profits tax because of an income tax treaty (see section 884(e)).
If a foreign corporation makes payments to another foreign corporation, the recipient must be a qualified resident of its country of residence to benefit from that country's tax treaty.

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Tracie Weathers

Тут и слова все понятны, и с грамматикой проблем нет, а все одно - смысла уловить не могу. Похоже, не в языке дело - помню достаточно много ситуаций, когда такую же беспомощность я ощущал при чтении (выслушивании) подобных шедовров на родном до боли языке. М.б., какие комментарии будут?

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