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Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов
a b c D e F g h I j k l M n o p q r s t U v w x y z
tabletable columntable entry
table linetable of interesttable of rates
table of weights and measurestable rowtabular
tabular bookkeepingtabular calculationtabular data
tabulatetabulateing cardtabulateing machine
tabulating machinetabulationtabulator
tagtailor-made manufacturetake
take aboardtake overtake over bid
take uptake-home paytake-in
take-offtake-over bidtaker
takingtangibletangible assets
tangible assets(s)stangible goodstangible net worth
tangible propertytangible servicestangible wealth
tangiblestank vesseltarget
target datestarget figuretarget for voluntary contributions to the programme
target for World Food Programme pledgestarget ratetarget year
tarifftariff adjustmentstariff advantages
tariff agreementtariff categorytariff escalation
tariff headingtariff preferencestariff protection
tariff quota listtariff ranktariff rate of wage
tariff rate of wagestariff rebatestariff scale
tariff schedulestariff systemtariff union
tariff wartariff zonetask rate
task settingtask worktask worker
tax abatementtax accrualstax assessment
tax avoidancetax basetax benefits
tax burdentax collectiontax concessions
tax credittax credit certificatetax credit certificates
tax declarationtax deductabletax deductions
tax drawbackstax evasiontax excuse
tax exempttax free interest on foreign loanstax immunity
tax incentivestax liabletax qualification
tax ratetax refundtax remissions
tax returntax revenuetax stimulus programme
tax subsidytax value of propertytax-collector
tax-haven arrangementstax-holidaystaxable year
taxed articletaxing authoritytechnical advance
technical advisertechnical assistancetechnical assistance activity
technical assistance component of the UNDP (United Nations Develtechnical assistantstechnical determinants
technical economystechnical know-howtechnical knowledge
technical outfittechnical servicestechnical skills
technical specificationstechnical stafftechniques of estimateing the size of a market
technological advancetechnological capabilitystechnological improvements
technological infrastructuretechnological unemploymenttechnology assessment
technology evaluationtechnology forecastingtechnology intensive industry
technology managementtechnology packagetechnology planning
technology-intensive branchstemperate zonetemporary admission
temporary assistance for meetingstenant farmertender invitation
tender pricetenement housetentative comparison
term of deliveryterm of officeterm of payment
term of protection of a patentterminal expensessterminal receipt
terminal wageterms of deliveryterms of financing
terms of officeterms of paymentterms of settlement
territorial-industrial complexterritoriality of patentstest of non-obviousness of an invention
the agedthe other shopthe rest of the world
the right to terminate contractthe world totaltheoretical economics
theoretical economistthird windowthousand-plus sized firms
three digit industriesthree-dimensional diagramthreshold prices
thrift institutionsthrift propensitythrifty use
through bill of ladingticket reservationtie-in clause
tie-in saletied aidtied assistance
tied creditstied inputstied loan
tied-purchasing arrangementstied-up assets(s)stight budget
tight monetary policytight moneytight rate
tillable landtimber carriertimber lands
time billtime budgetstime deposit
time discounttime discountingtime flows
time lagtime limitation clausetime of recording
time ratetime seriestime wage
time-bound programmetime-shared computertime-sharing system
timing for producing and marketing cropstiming of depreciationtiming, duration and amplitude of cycles
TIR carnetto be biased by interestto draw on reserves
to report datato report statisticstoken contribution
token paymenttoken provisionstolerance limit
tool shop departmenttooling servicetop executives
top managementtop overhaultotal amount
total assets(s)stotal awardstotal borrowing
total budgettotal capacityiestotal capital
total consumptiontotal demandtotal drawings
total energytotal established posts by locationtotal flows
total gross outputtotal inflow on current accounttotal labour force
total money provisiontotal net provisionstotal output
total performance of an economytotal producttotal productivity of factors
total quality controltotal sumtract of land
tradable goodstrade agreementtrade and transport margin
trade areatrade associationtrade balance
trade discounttrade disputetrade estimates
trade figurestrade flowstrade intensity of a country
trade marktrade pricetrade profit
trade promotion officetrade restrictionstrade stock
trade surplustrade testing servicetrade union
trade yeartrade-curbing practiciestrade-weighted
trade-weighted exchange ratetrading companystrading house
trading in actualstraffic capacitytrained labour
trained manpowertrained stafftraining and production facilitys
training granttransaction pricestransactions cash balances
transfer accountingtransfer credits between sections of the budgettransfer of personnel
transfer of real resourcestransfer paymentstransfer prices
transfer pricingtransfer saletransfer valuation
transferable accounttransferable depositstransformation coefficient
transient customerstransit storagetransitional adjustment
transmission of cyclical impulsestransnational corporationtransnational merger
transport links and other communications infrastructuretransport ordertransport outlays
transport ratestravel and transportation expensesstravel funds
travel granttravel of stafftravel on appointment
treasure notestreasury currencytreasury stocks
treatment of depreciationtreatment of economic activitytreatment of foreign investment
treatment of renttrend adjusted indextrend analysis
trial balancetrial calculationtrial-and error method
trigger pricetrough-to-trough cyclestruck shipments
trucking ordertrue valuetrust fund
turn-key contractturn-key projectturning points of a cycle
turnkey contractturnover of inventoryturnover of staff
turnover of staff deductionturnover ratiotwo digit industries
two(three)-fold breakdowntwo-tiered economytying of development assistance
type of farms  

Rambler's Top100

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