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Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов
a b c D e F g h I j k l M n o p q r s t U v w x y z
n. e. c.narrow marketnation
nation widenationalnational account for production
national accounting aggregatesnational accounting flowsnational accounting flows (in SNA)
national accountsnational accounts studynational balance sheet
national banknational conceptnational debt
national economic accountsnational economic balancenational economic planning
national economic policysnational economynational education bill
national endownational governmentnational income
national income accountsnational income usednational input coefficients
national insurancenational noveltynational patrimony
national population censusnational population censusesnational price level
national productnational product accountingnational roads
national sample surveysnational servicesnational surveys
national totals accountingnational treatmentnational union
national wealthnaturalnatural and food resources
natural economynatural gasnatural hazards
natural increasenatural indicesnatural loss
natural measuresnatural monopoliesnatural monopolys
natural personnatural personsnatural population changes
natural population increasenatural population increasesnatural resources
natural resources developmentnatural resources endownatural scale
natural scarcitynatural unit of measurementnatural unitof measurement
natural wastenear moneynecessaries
necessitiesnecessities of lifenecessity
negative balancenegative entrysnegative growth
negative investmentnegative listnegative rate of inventory accumulation
negative savingnegative signnegative trade balance
negative valuenegatively associated with ...negotiability
negotiability of debtnegotiablenegotiable 15 years government bonds
negotiable a chequenegotiable a loannegotiable a sale
negotiable debtnegotiable documentnegotiable instrument
negotiable papersnegotiable securitiesnegotiable securitys
negotiate a salenegotiated feenegotiated price quotas
negotiationneo-orthodox economistnet
net additionnet additions to assetsnet additions to consumer's stocks of durable goods
net aggregate flow of financial resourcesnet amountnet asset value
net assets(s)snet balancenet balances on current account
net base salary scalenet capital formationnet capital movement
net capital transfersnet cash returnsnet data
net debtor positionnet debtor position of a banknet export
net factor incomes from abroadnet flowsnet gain
net importnet incomenet increase in the budget
net incurrence of liabilitiesnet inflowsnet investment
net landing to the rest of the worldnet lendingnet loss
net measurenet migrationnet money inflow
net movement of capitalnet movement of fundsnet national product
net of ...net of amortizationnet of depreciation
net pricenet proceedsnet produce
net profitnet profit rationet remuneration
net return to capitalnet salariesnet salary
net salenet salesnet surplus
net transit clearingnet weightnet worth
new capacityiesnew construction and maintenancenew economic order
new entrants into the labour forcenew fixed assets(s)s put into usenew international economic environment
new international economic ordernew landnew obligational authority
new open in the marketsnew rules are effective beginningnew saving deposits
new savings depositsnew stock issuesnext best alternative
no-par value sharesno-par value stocknomenclature
nominalnominal bill of ladingnominal capital
nominal costnominal feenominal income
nominal industrynominal outputnominal price
nominal retail turnovernominal sharenominal time
nominal valuenominal wagenominal wages
non-agricultural working forcenon-cash operations (payments, transactions)non-cash operations transactions
non-cash transactionsnon-commodity salenon-competing groups
non-competing groups in the labour marketnon-competitive conditionsnon-concessional flows
non-conference carriernon-conference ratesnon-conforming product
non-contractual portionnon-contributory pension plannon-corporate businesses
non-corporate sectornon-currentnon-cyclical fluctuations
non-deficientnon-deliverynon-dimensional value
non-distributable fundsnon-diversificationnon-durable goods
non-durablesnon-economic methodsnon-economic reasons
non-equalizing differencesnon-equity methods of participationnon-equity methods of participation in investments
non-essentialsnon-exclusive licencenon-exclusive license
non-expendablenon-exploitation of patentnon-export sector
non-family farmnon-farm constructionnon-farm structures
non-farm workersnon-financial corporationnon-financial incentive
non-financial transactionsnon-food commodity(ies)non-fuel minerals
non-human productive resourcesnon-interest bearingnon-interest-bearing
non-irrigated agriculturenon-irrigated farmingnon-linear curve
non-linear functionsnon-linearitiesnon-manufactory industry
non-market transactionsnon-material inputnon-material services
non-material spherenon-metalsnon-monetary causes of inflation
non-monetary indicatorsnon-negotiablenon-objection clause
non-obviousness of an inventionnon-ODA contractual lendingnon-operating costs
non-pecuniary incentivesnon-pensionable post adjustmentsnon-pensionable salary differencials
non-pensionable salary differentialsnon-performancenon-price competition
non-producing plantsnon-production accountsnon-productive
non-productive accumulationnon-profit enterprisenon-profit firm
non-profit firmsnon-profit organizationnon-profit organizations
non-quantifiable factorsnon-quantifyable factorsnon-quantitiable factors
non-reciprocity clausenon-reciprocity clause (principle, provision)non-reciprocity principle
non-reciprocity provisionnon-recurrentnon-recurrent expenditures
non-recurrent inquirynon-recurring provisionsnon-renewable resource
non-renewable resourcesnon-repaiable grantnon-repayable aid
non-repayable grantnon-reproducible assets(s)snon-reproducible goods
non-reproducible material goodsnon-reproducible tangible assets(s)snon-reproductible material goods
non-reproductible tangiblenon-reproductible tangible assetsnon-resident
non-resident companiesnon-resident companynon-resident holding
non-residential structuresnon-respondentnon-response rate
non-schooling childrennon-self-supporting populationnon-sensitive goods
non-sensitive listnon-skill labourersnon-storable commodity(ies)
non-tariff protectionnon-transferrablenon-union workers
non-unionworkersnon-use of a patentnon-voting shares
non-wage benefitnon-wage benefitsnon-waste
non-working of a patentnon-zero entrysnoncash and cash overhead costss
noncommercial farmsnoncompetitive importsnoncorporate establishments
nondurable consumptionnondurable goodsnonearning cash
noneconomic motivesnonferrous metal industrynonhousehold balances
nonincorporated enterprisesnonnegotiablenonpecuniary motives
nonproductive servicesnonreciprocal clausenonreciprocal principle
nonreciprocal provisionnonremunerative family labournonresidential industrial construction
normnorm coefficientnormal demand conditions
normalsNorthen rangenostro balance
not at-arms-length transactionnot elsewhere citednot expenditure level
notenote issuenotes in circulation
notes payablenotes receivablenotion of flow
notional profitnoveltynumber
number of employednumber of employees per establishmentnumber of engaged by group status
number of farms by tenurenumber of farms by typesnumber of foreclosures
number of persons engagednumber of persons engaged in agriculturenumber of persons interviewed
number of workersnumber weightsnumbering
numerationnumericalnumerical coefficient
numerical datanumerical measurement of elasticitynumerical methods
numerical tablenumerical treatmentnumerical value
nutritional supplements  

Rambler's Top100

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