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Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов
Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов
a b c D e F g h I j k l M n o p q r s t U v w x y z
M-1 (money-one)M-2 (money-two)M-3 (money-three)
machinemachine accountingmachine hour
machine layoutmachine loadmachine power
machine shopmachine tabulation stationmachine time
machine workmachine-toolmachine-tool plant
machinerymachinery and equipmentmachinery of the UN system for administrative and budgetary cont
machinery partsmacromacro analysis
macro economicmacro economic statisticsmacro economics
macro statisticsmacroeconomic analysismacroeconomic measures
macroeconomics of monopolysmade-to-ordermagnetic drum computer
magnetic tape computermagnitudemagnitude of transactions
magnitudes of the variablesmailmail order
mail order housemailing listmain aggregate
main areas of activitymaintainmaintain capital
maintain demandmaintain pricesmaintain the accounts
maintaining of the establishmentmaintenancemaintenance cost
maintenance crewmaintenance feemaintenance instruction
maintenance of the real value of the currency reservesmaintenance operation and rental of premisesmaintenance services
maintenance workmaintenance-freemajor alteration
major contributorsmajor deficit countriesmajor depression
major items of physical infrastructuremajor land use suitabilitymajor overhaul
major social accountsmajoritymajority interest
majority ownershipmajority share holdingmajority shareholding
makemake a livingmake abatement
make advancemake an entrymake drawing upon
make goodmake good readingmake provision in the budget estimates for ...
make provision of the budgetestimatesmake to ordermake up the deficiency
make-up of the budgetmake-up paymake-up work
man efficiencyman in chargeman-assignment
man-densityman-hourman-hour output
man-hours of workman-machine timeman-made
managemanageabilitymanageable level
managed currencymanaged exchange ratemanaged money
managed paper currencymanagementmanagement and record keeping
management auditmanagement counsellormanagement decisions
management engineermanagement engineeringmanagement expenses
management feemanagement mechanismmanagement of demand
management overheads of stocksmanagement servicesmanagement structure
management systemmanagermanager of sale
manager of salesmanager-operated farmmanagerial
managerial and manufacturing capacitymanagerial capacitymanagerial control
managerial efficiencymanagerial functionsmanagerial revolution
managerial servicesmanagerial skillsmanagerial staff
managerial workersmanagerialskillmanagers discretional fund
managingmanaging abilitymanaging director
managing engineermandatory sanctionsmanifold classification
manipulation of datamanning tablemanpower
manpower balancemanpower controlmanpower program
manpower requirementsmanpower resourcesmanpower skills
manpower utilization surveymanualmanual acting
manual employeesmanual labourmanual work
manual worker postsmanual workersmanually
manually operatedmanufacturemanufacture for stock
manufacture managermanufactured consumer goodsmanufactured goods (products)
manufactured itemsmanufacturermanufacturers' agent
manufactures' sales branchmanufactures' storemanufacturing
manufacturing corporationsmanufacturing cost determinationmanufacturing cycle
manufacturing employmentmanufacturing expensesmanufacturing industry
manufacturing licenseemanufacturing ordermanufacturing plant
manufacturing processmarginmargin of dumping
margin of errorsmargin of protectionmarginal
marginal analysismarginal balancemarginal business
marginal capital/output ratiomarginal coefficientsmarginal concept
marginal cost of outputmarginal cost per unitmarginal cost producer
marginal cost(s)marginal curvesmarginal data
marginal desirabilitymarginal disutilitymarginal efficiency
marginal efficiency of capitalmarginal expendituresmarginal factor product
marginal inputmarginal input costmarginal input unit
marginal labourmarginal landmarginal measures
marginal multipliermarginal opportunity costsmarginal physical product
marginal populationmarginal preferencemarginal pricing
marginal productmarginal productivitymarginal propensity to ...
marginal propensity to consumemarginal propensity to investmarginal rate
marginal rate of substitutionmarginal rate on return over costmarginal ratio of capital to output
marginal returnmarginal revenuemarginal reward
marginal sacrificemarginal utilitymarginal utility theory
marginal-product of labourmarginalismmargins of fluctuations
marine engineeringmarine insurance contractsmarital status
maritime linemarkmark down
mark-downmark-upmark-up (~-on)
marketmarket aberrationmarket accessibility
market analysismarket areasmarket availability
market averagemarket basketmarket behavior
market behaviourmarket capacitymarket cattle
market conditionmarket demandmarket demand equation
market developmentmarket disruptionmarket economies
market economymarket expectationsmarket grain
market imperfectionmarket magnitudesmarket module
market requirementsmarket researchmarket sensitive
market sharemarket structure of the service tradesmarket supply
market surveymarket theorymarket turnover
market valuemarket value of all goods and services producedmarket value of output
market-sharing arrangementsmarketabilitymarketable
marketable food outputmarketable goodsmarketable grains
marketable securitiesmarketable securitysmarketing
marketing agencymarketing agreementsmarketing associations
marketing chargesmarketing conditionsmarketing cooperative
marketing cooperative (co-op)smarketing costssmarketing difficulties
marketing expensessmarketing expertsmarketing functions
marketing opportunitiesmarketing outletsmarketing period
marketing policymarketing practicesmarketing research
marketing scientificmarriage settlementmass
mass production marketsmass-producemass-produced
mass-produced standardized commodity(ies)smass-productionmaster
master budgetmaster cardmaster mechanic
master planmaster samplemaster table
master the techniquemaster-planmatching contribution
matching principlematerialmaterial & non-material spheres
material advancementmaterial and non-material spheresmaterial and supplies
material balancematerial classificationmaterial consumption (expense)
material consumption ratematerial costmaterial flow
material goodsmaterial handlingmaterial incentive
material inequalitymaterial intakematerial interests
material manmaterial on handmaterial procurement
material product systemmaterial Products (balances) system (MPS)material recession
material requisitionmaterial savingmaterial sphere
material statusmaterial use standardmaterial wealth
material welfarematerials distributormaterials supplys and work in process
materials, supplies and work in processmaterials, supplies and work in processоборотные фонды (материалmaternity benefit
maternity leavemathematical economistmathematical programming
mathematical simulationmatrixmatrix algebra
matrix coefficientmatrix managementmatrix notation
maturemature economymature economys
maturedmatured debtmaturing
maturing bondsmaturing debenturesmaturity
maximizationmaximizemaximize earnings
maximummaximum amountmaximum amount constraint
maximum conservation and storage periodsmaximum life method of depreciationmean
mean deviationmean pricemean rate
mean timemean valuemeans
means conveyancemeans of conveyancemeans of production
means of subsistencemeans of transfer of technologymeans test
measuremeasure export fobmeasure import cif
measure import cif (c.i.f. - cost, insurance, freight)measure of economic welfaremeasure of income
measure of valuemeasured gross domestic productmeasured product
measurementmeasurement datameasurement of output
measurement tonmeasures having embargo effectsmeasures of concentration
measures of efficiencymeasures of social welfaremeasures to control for inflation
measuringmeasuring techniquemeasuring tools
meatmeat packingmeat scrap
meat-animal productionmeat-packingmechanical
mechanical actionmechanical arrangementmechanical control
mechanical effectmechanical efficiencymechanical engineer
mechanical engineeringmechanical engineering plantmechanical shop
mechanical treatmentmechanical workmechanics of economy
mechanismmechanism of international trade and financemechanization of accounting
mechant bankmediamedia analysis
media directormedia of exchangemedia research
medianmedian valuemediate
mediationmediatormedicare benefit
mediummedium incomemedium lived
medium of of exchangemedium pricemedium quality
medium sizedmedium-size lot productionmedium-term
medium-term projectionmeetmeet a bill
meet a demandmeet competitionmeet costss
meet current commitmentsmeet expensesmeet liabilities
meet qualifying standardmeet qualifying standardsmeet ready market
meet with an accidentmeetingMember States are assessed on the basis of the net budget
memorandummemorandum of associationmemory
memory unitmentalmental arithmetic
mental arithmeticsmental workmercantile
mercantile bankmercantile lawmercantile marine
mercantile papermerchandisemerchandise deficit
merchandise exchangemerchandise inventorymerchandise manager
merchandise markmerchandise marksmerchandise trade
merchandise turnovermerchandisingmerchant
merchant bankmerchant fleetmerchant man
merchant marinemerchant shipmerger
mergers and take oversmeritmerit increase
merit ratingmetalmetal industry
metal tradesmetal workermetal working
metal working machinesmetallic and other miningmethod of co-ordination by means of balances
methods of accountingmethods of estimateing national incomemicroeconomic
microeconomic analysismicroeconomic levelmicroeconomics
middlemiddle classmiddle management
middle sizedmiddle-of-the-roadersmiddle-stage processing for re-export
middlemanmiddleman distributormiddleman's distribute margin
middleman's distributive marginmiddlingmigrant
migrant workersmigrant workers remittancesmigrant workers' remittances
migratemigrationmigration element of population growth
migration flowsmigration movementsmigration of capital
migration statisticsmillmill construction
mill handmill superintendentmine
mine administrationmine superintendentmineral
mineral depositmineral mining enterprisemineral oil
mineral outputmineral pricesmineral rights
minimum housing standardsminimum of subsistenceminimum pay
minimum physiological needsminimum royaltysminimum stock
minimum unit capacityiesminimum wage legislationminimum working age
miningmining employmentmining output
mining sharesmining worksminor
minor contingency expensessminor cyclesminor damage
minor repairsminorityminority equity investment
minority foreign ownershipminority interestminority ownership
minority share holdingminorsmint
mint paritymis-mis- allocation of resources
mis- applicationmis- arrangementmis- calculation
mis- deliverymis- managementmis- reading
mis- representation (of facts)mis- usemis--judge
miscellaneousmiscellaneous goodsmiscellaneous income
miscellaneous manufacturingmisclassificationmisuse of the land
mixmixedmixed economy
mixed enterprisemixed farmingmixed farms
mixed general crop farmsmixed mannedmixed sampling
mixed-manedmobilemobile medical centre
mobile repairsmobilitymobility means
modal areamodalitiesmodalities of lending
modemode of acquisitionmode of origin
mode of paymentmode of productionmodel
model agreementmodel areamodel builder
model buildingmodel lawmodel law of invention
model law on inventionsmodel law on patentsmodel licensing agreement
model of business cyclemodel patternmodel pattern of conferences
model projectmodel provisions for national industrial property lawsmodel-building
modernizationmodernization of productionmodernize
modes of carriagemodular-unit buildingsmomentary price
monetary aggregatesmonetary and fiscal policiesmonetary area
monetary authoritiesmonetary authoritymonetary circulation
monetary conditions were easedmonetary conditions were stiffenedmonetary estimates
monetary expansionmonetary factorsmonetary floor
Monetary Fund IMFmonetary goldmonetary incentives
monetary indicatorsmonetary institutionsmonetary instruments
monetary measuresmonetary multipliermonetary policy
monetary reservesmonetary situationmonetary stock
monetary supplymonetary systemmonetary transfer payments
monetary unitmoneymoney and credit in circulation
money capitalmoney downmoney economy
money flowsmoney in cashmoney in circulation
money in circulation (currency in circulation)money in the pipelinemoney income and expenditure of the population
money institutesmoney institutionsmoney interest
money lend to abroadmoney lendermoney lent abroad
money management organizationsmoney marketmoney means
money measuresmoney no objectmoney of account
money on objectmoney ordermoney outlay
money paymentsmoney provisionmoney rate
money receiptsmoney receiptssmoney reward
money savingmoney savingsmoney spot
money squeezemoney supplymoney transfer
money turnovermoney velocitymoney wage
moneyed interestsmonitoring bodymonopolistic
monopolistic combinationmonopolistic competition theorymonopoly
monopoly clausemonopoly degree ofmonopoly interests
monopoly practicemonopoly pricemonopoly price fixing
monopoly price-fixingmonopoly suppliermonthly rate
moratoriummorbiditymorbidity rate
more discriminate aid policiesmore discriminate policiesmore intensive farming techniques
more intensive methodsmortalitymortality rate
mortality tablemortality tablesmortgage
mortgage accountmortgage bankmortgage bond
mortgage costsmortgage creditmortgage foreclosure
mortgage loanmortgage retirementmortgage transactions
mortgaged farmmortgaged propertymortmain
most favoured nationmost favoured nation treatmentmost-favoured enterprise provision
most-favoured licencemost-favoured license clausemost-favoured-nation licence
mother firmmotivationmotive
motive power of social processmotives for holding moneymounting needs
movablemovable goodsmove
moveing averagemovementmovement certificate
movement in pricemovement of outside salarymover
moving averagemoving equilibriummoving index base
MPSmultimulti use
multi variatemulti-activity enterprisemulti-location enterprise
multi-stage samplemulti-unit enterprisemultiindustry firm
multilateral agreementmultilateral aidmultilateral assistance
multilateral comparisonmultilateral guarantee facilitymultilateral payments system
multilateral trademultimodal transportationmultinational corporations
multiplant corporationsmultiplant firmsmultiple correlation
multiple croppingmultiple exchange ratemultiple rate
multiple regressionmultiple samplingmultiple uses
multiplicandmultiplicity of ratesmultiplier
multiplier effectmultiplymultiply correlation
multiply currency practicesmultiply factory businessmultiply machine operation
multiply managementmultiply plant concernmultiply rate of exchange
multiply regressionmultiply samplemultiply shops
multiply usesmultiply uses of structuresmultiproduct firm
multipurposemultishift workmultistage sample
multiusemunicipalmunicipal enterprise
municipal governmentmunicipal servicesmunicipal transportation
mutualmutual benefitmutual benefit society
mutual fundsmutual insurancemutual lending
mutual saving banksmutual societymutually beneficial
mutually beneficial international economic cooperationmutually consistent data 

Rambler's Top100

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