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Написано AK-47 | Fri, Apr 9 at 7:36pm:

В ответ на: Re: Technical analysis vs. System trading posted by Henry A. on Fri, Apr 9 at 12:12am:


Как Вы думаете, долго ли будет продолжаться этот
"бычий рынок", когда он рухнет, и рухнет
ли вообще ?

I think bull market in the US may go very far, much farther from the point where it is now. Reason: US economy in last years shows incredible, unbelievable strengh -- GDP grows real fast and inflation is real low, which was considered impossible by traditional economic theory. Last economic data aboout the US economy supports the statement that US economy may have entered a new economic age, where strong GDP growth and low inflation pressure is possible. There is a number of facts in favor of this assumption, which, by the way, were brought to public by Fed chief, Alan Greenspan past Fall (I wrote a research project on this topic). The only thing which may spoil the party is war in Yugoslavia, if it will go too far like it was in Vietnam -- that's for sure. Reason: big war requires plenty of funds, to get plenty of funds u got to increase Govt debt, thus running a larger budget deficit. And low budget deficit is one of crucial factors, which makes todays US prosperity possible.

By the way, is there any way to vote on Presidential elections if u r outside Belarus?

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