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Ответ про метастоковский даунлодер

Написано ksr | Mon, Sep 11 at 06:20am:

В ответ на: Вопрос про метастоковский даунлодер posted by Bell on Sun, Sep 10 at 10:18am:

Up to 2,000 securities (including composites) can be added in a single folder. However, you may want to organize your securities into multiple folders (by industry group, security type, etc.).
и еще здесь про автоматическую работу с несколькими каталогами сразу
Conversion Options Dialog
Create new files. If this box is unchecked, new security files will not be created in the destination folder. The data in the source file will only be appended to or replace existing files (depending on your selection).
Create new files.
If this box is unchecked, new security files will not be created in the destination folder. The data in the source file will only be appended to or replace existing files (depending on your selection).
For example, suppose you have an ASCII file with thousands of different securities and their prices, and the MetaStock security files you want to append this data to are scattered across numerous folders. You should deselect the "Create new files" checkbox so that new files are not created for securities that don't exist in the destination folders.
Traverse destination folders.
Choose this checkbox if you want converted data to be stored in the folders beneath the specified Destination folder. For example, specifying "c:\MetaStock Data" would cause all the security files in c:\MetaStock Data\stocks, c:\MetaStock Data\futures, etc. to be written to during the conversion.
If a file to which the converted data can be appended does not exist in any existing folders, a new folder will automatically be created beneath the specified Destination folder. The newly created folders are named "A", "B", "C", "D", etc. corresponding to the first letters of the converted securities' names.

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