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Re: Офшоры

Написано Maxx | Tue, Jun 20 at 10:56am:

В ответ на: Офшоры posted by Андрей on Sun, Jun 18 at 06:41am:

Андрей говорит, что,
: Что вы думаете об офшорах как способе минимизации
: налогов при
: торговле на Рос рынке.

Насчет Российского рынка не знаю, но вот офшоры похоже того, сдуваться начинают потихоньку... Не иначе, как под давлением ЦБ... ;-)

Bye, bye offshore tax havens

Cayman Islands, Bermuda, 4 others will change their ways


WASHINGTON, June 19 — Six offshore locations popular as tax havens in the United States and Europe have promised within five years to end the practices that gave them that reputation. Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers called the announcements an “important milestone” in the international effort to curb use of offshore subsidiaries, bank accounts and other arrangements to avoid taxes...

...The commitments from Bermuda, the Cayman Islands, Cyprus, Malta, Mauritius and San Marino — an enclave within Italy — came in letters to the 29-nation Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, a Paris-based body of developed countries that next week is expected to release a list of jurisdictions identified as places that offer laws “to be used by nonresidents to escape taxation” in their home countries...


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