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Написано ALX | Fri, Jul 27 at 05:41am:

BrokerageAmerica Inc., the newest player in online investing, is offering commission-free stock trades ``I
was looking around and these guys seem to be the best,'' said Mears, a 62-year-old retired aviation
technician from Gulfport, Mississippi, who trades about 10 to 12 times a week.

``I think they're onto something,'' he said. ``It's easier to operate than other platforms, the basic trading
information you need is right there and the layout is good.''

By entering the free stock trading business, New York-based BrokerageAmerica is going where others have
failed. But unlike its predecessors, the company is a market-maker that buys and sells shares for investors
and profits from the spread between bidding and asking prices.

Wall Street analysts are skeptical, however.


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