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Что такое варранты?

Написано Sanny | Fri, Apr 20 at 4:04pm:

А то купил что-то по-дешевке, сам не знаю что стрельнуло. Во что:

Pursuant to a November 22, 1996 settlement of the Lopez et al v. Checkers litigation, the Company issued warrants (the "Settlement Warrants") for the purchase of 5,100,000 shares of the Company's Common Stock.
After giving effect to the one-for-twelve reverse stock split, the Settlement Warrants permit the acquisition of an aggregate 425,000 shares of the Company's Common Stock. The Settlement Warrants are exercisable at any time during the period beginning November 22, 2000 and ending on December 22, 2000. The exercise price of each Settlement Warrant was originally $1.375. After giving effect to a September 20, 1999 re-pricing by the Company pursuant to which the exercise price was reduced by two thirds, the current exercise price of each Settlement Warrant is $.4583. As a result of the one-for-twelve reverse stock split, it now requires the exercise of twelve warrants to receive one share of the Company's Common Stock, for an aggregate price of $5.50. If all of the Settlement Warrants were to be exercised, they would provide approximately $2.3 million in additional capital to the Company.
The Settlement Warrants are traded on the NASDAQ under the symbol CHKRW.

а теперь пишут, сто снимают этот тикер с насдака.
на OTC ?
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Все ответы
Что такое варранты? - Sanny on Fri, Apr 20 at 4:04pm
  Re: Что такое варранты? - Сг on Thu, Apr 26 at 01:44am


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